Sunday, June 17, 2007

More happenin' at Shishi's house: Junior Youth Group!

As the children are having class, the junior youth group ages 12 to 15 are also having session on learning about the meaning of life, justice, the pressures and conditions that are happening in our society (drugs, alcohol, prejudice...) today and how to combat it.
Thanks to Nima Rohani & Ehsan Bayat who are facilitating this group of eager learners!!! Their favorite word is "learn".

Children Classes at Shishi's!!!

It's summer time and the children are out of school! So Shishi and her husband have opened up her house to have children classes and a junior youth group.
The children are eager to meet each Thursday at 6:30 PM to study together and then socialize as the house has a swimming pool and basketball. Pizza is usually served with fruits and finger foods!!!
Thanks to Pash and Seena Monjazeb for teaching the children's classes!!!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Children Classes with Eddie Murphy

Check this out:

It's funny!!!

Children Classes and Junior Youth Groups Blog

Dear Friends,

We will post pictures as well as write about exciting activities that are happening in regards to neighborhood children classes and Junior Youth Groups in the Houston area.

This blog is dedicated to inspire all of us on these two meritorious core activities.

So, please send us your pictures and exciting stories of your children classes or junior youth groups to our email at

The summertime provides a great opportunity to get a children's class or junior youth group started. Please let us know if you would like to initiate one of these activities and we will be able to assist.

With loving greetings,
Cluster Institute Coordinators for Harris Cluster

Bahá’u’lláh says: “Blessed is that teacher who remaineth faithful to the Covenant of God, and occupieth himself with the education of children. For him hath the Supreme Pen inscribed that reward which is revealed in the Most Holy Book. Blessed, blessed is he!”

The Master in a moving passage of teacher’s of children classes says:

“Among the greatest of all services that can possibly be rendered by man to Almighty God is the education and training of children, young plants of the Abha Paradise…”