Monday, October 22, 2007

Junior Youth Group in Montrose area going well!

The Junior Youth Group in Montrose area is going well. Our first service project will involve cleaning the park. We also are looking to do a field trip to a musuem or Imax, or the zoo. They are consulting on what they want to do. In addition, we are incorporating a rap on unity, studying the booked titled "Breezes of Confirmation" which gives them expression and writing skills, service project, learning prayers.

Here is a couple prayers said by the junior youth who are not Baha'is but look forward to all sharing prayers in the group:

The children class is also going very well with growing in number to about 10 children. They are learning the songs and prayers as well as enjoying coloring, listening to stories, and playing.

They all wait for us to arrive for class to start. They can't wait until we get there and don't want us to leave!

To start a neighborhood children class, please contact Samarih Monajjem.
To start a neighborhood junior youth group (ages 11 to 15), please contact Quddus Nasseri at 832-236-3575

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